Flip-and-Slice Cataract Surgery
By Cynthia Matossian, MD
Cynthia Matossian, MD, presents a supracapsular cataract disassembly technique called flip-and-slice using Healon Endocoat and Healon5 (both by Abbott Medical Optics Inc.).
Coloboma Management With Intraoperative Aberrometry
By Timothy Page, MD
Timothy Page, MD, treats a severe coloboma and mature cataract in a young monocular patient.
Posterior Capsular Rent With Reverse Optic Capture of a Toric IOL
By Ike K. Ahmed, MD; and Patrick Gooi, MD
Ike Ahmed, MD; and Patrick Gooi, MD, manage a case of a posterior capsular rent with vitrectomy and reverse optic capture of a toric IOL.
Temporary Haptic fixation With a Silicone Plug
By Mahi Muqit, PhD, FRCOphth; David Mordant, MD; and C. K. Patel, FRCOphth
The surgeons describe a modified intrascleral IOL fixation technique using a temporary silicone plug following a 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy. While adjusting the centration of the IOL optic, the leading haptic remains anchored by the silicone plug under the scleral flap. Once the IOL is positioned correctly, the silicone plug is removed and the leading haptic is tucked into the intrascleral tunnel.