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Inside Eyetube.net | Apr 2011

2011: An Eyeball Space Odyssey

The quest for new ideas and technologies continues.

The Inside Eyetube.net column has soared into a new decade with lots of interesting tips and tricks for choosing an IOL, improving your phacoemulsification technique, entering the crosslinking world, and staying up to date on the latest technologies for anterior and posterior segment surgery. Let Eyetube.net lead the way as we begin this journey into a new enterprise of cataract and refractive surgery.


Dana Weinkle, MD, shares his reasons for using the Akreos AO Microincision IOL (Akreos MICS; Bausch + Lomb, Rochester, New York) for microincision cataract surgery. He mentions the lens’ flexible hydrophilic acrylic material, unique design, exceptional centration and stability, advanced optics, and low levels of posterior capsular opacification as the major benefits of this latest generation of the Akreos family (http://eyetube.net/?v=vigoh).

A special series on the Crystalens AO (Bausch + Lomb), shares the expertise of Jay S. Pepose, MD, PhD; Guy M. Kezirian, MD; Stephen G. Slade, MD; Steven J. Dell, MD; John F. Doane, MD; and Uday Devgan, MD. This complete review of the IOL includes commentary on long-term results, optical performance, support of far and near visual acuity, and astigmatic correction (http://eyetube.net/series/crystalensao2011/ crystalens-ao-pepose-1/).

Finally, in Easy Insertion With Pre-Loaded IOLs (http://eyetube. net/?v=ducha), Zia ul Mazhry, MD, compares the injection techniques for three new preloaded IOL systems: the PhysIOL (Liége, Belgium), the Quantrix (Croma-Pharma Gesellschaft GmbH, Leobendorf, Austria), and the XL Stabi ZO (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany).


In Tear Film Phaco, Christopher Starr, MD, explains how to eradicate bothersome and potentially dangerous ocular surface meibum and debris prior to cataract surgery. Before making the incision, he uses the phaco tip in the irrigating mode to wash out the corneal meibomian debris (http://eyetube.net/?v=smibi). In another video, James Lewis, MD, presents a side-by-side comparison of his early experiences with the Packard 0.7-mm phaco tip needle versus the 1.1-mm phaco needle (both from MicroSurgical Technology, Redmond, Washington) to illustrate their efficiency (Figure 1; http://eyetube.net/?v=wanev).


Sri Ganesh, MD, demonstrates how the stereo coaxial illumination of the Opmi Lumera 700 (Carl Zeiss Meditec) microscope provides a good red reflex during capsulorrhexis. It also works in the eye of a patient who presents with a dense corneal scar from a chemical burn and a cataractous lens (http://eyetube.net/?v=horil).

Navigated Grid Laser Treatment After Bevacizumab Failure in BRVO documents a novel rescue in a case of long-term bevacizumab injection failure with retinal vein occlusions. The video appears courtesy of Alexandra Hoeh, MD; Mira Ruppenstein, MD; Stefan Dithmar, MD; and Thomas Ach, MD. All from the University of Heidelberg, the surgeons use the Navilas laser system (OD-OS Inc., San Francisco)—a new grid laser device with an added eye-tracker function—with which treatment can be planned directly on the fluorescein angiogram. The navigated grid laser treatment appears to be safe and accurate and stabilizes vision and reduces macular edema, as measured by optical coherence tomography (http://eyetube.net/?v=basco).


Parag A. Majmudar, MD, shares his version of the Descemet stripping with endothelial keratoplasty suture pull-through technique. He inserts the graft atraumatically through the anterior chamber. He then unfolds the graft, ties the suture ends, and rotates the knot outside the graft. Dr. Majmudar recommends the suture because if the graft dislocates, a suture prevents it from free-floating in the anterior chamber (Figure 2; http://eyetube.net/?v=wegig).


As evident in these videos, innovation comes from the continuous need for solutions to the challenges presented to us every day. Watching videos such as these on Eyetube.net can prepare surgeons for their next surgical adventure.

Section Editor Elena Albé, MD, is a consultant in the Department of Ophthalmology, Cornea Service, Istituto Clinico Humanitas Ophthalmology Clinic, Milan, Italy. Dr. Albé states that she has no financial interest in the products or companies mentioned. She may be reached at tel: +39 0331 441721; e-mail: elena.albe@gmail.com.

Section Editor Richard M. Awdeh, MD, is the Director of Technology Transfer and Innovation and an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami. Dr. Awdeh states that he is a consultant to and speaker for Bausch + Lomb. He may be reached at tel: +1 305 326 6000; e-mail: rawdeh@med.miami.edu.

Section Editor William B. Trattler, MD, is the Director of Cornea at the Center for Excellence in Eye Care, Miami, and the Chief Medical Editor of Eyetube.net. He states that he has received research support from Bausch + Lomb. Dr. Trattler may be reached at tel: +1 305 598 2020; e-mail: wtrattler@earthlink.net.