Canon OCT-HS100
Company Canon Europe Ltd.
Phone +44 208 588 8000
The Canon OCT-HS100 is a fully automatic OCT device.
Key Features
• Enables fast, noninvasive, noncontact examination of the cornea and retina
• Automatic functions include eye alignment, tracking, and focusing
Canon Europe Ltd. previewed the OCT-HS100 at the World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. According to company literature, the OCT-HS100 is a fully automatic optical coherence tomography (OCT) device. It is the first OCT to be launched following the company’s acquisition of Optopol in December 2009.
The OCT-HS100, which is capable of 10 layers of recognition, is a compact device with automatic functions to enable fast, noninvasive, noncontact examination of the cornea or retina. The practitioner aligns the device with the pupil, and the advanced intelligent automatic operation provides high-resolution (3 μm), high-speed, high-quality scans in seconds. Automatic functions include eye alignment, tracking, and focusing.
Oasis Iris Expander
Company Oasis Medical, Inc.
Phone +1 909 305 5400
The Oasis Iris Expander is a disposable device designed to maintain access and visibility during surgery in cases of miosis and IFIS.
Key Features
• Expands to 7 mm in diameter
• Made of polypropylene
• Packaged sterile with disposable injector
The Oasis Iris Expander (Oasis Medical, Inc.) is a polypropylene ring that expands to 7 mm in diameter after insertion and maintains access and visibility throughout the surgical procedure. According to company literature, the disposable device is indicated in cases in which miosis and intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) are present. The Oasis Iris Expander is easy to insert and remove and gentle to iris tissue. Each expander is packaged sterile with its own disposable injector. Each box comes with five expanders. The company expects to receive the Conformité Europeénne (CE) Mark in March.