CataRhex 3
The CataRhex 3 phaco system (Oertli Instrumente AG) weighs 5 kg and can fit into any pilot case and be mounted on any intravenous pole for easy portability. According to company literature, the device can be used for a range of cases, from clear lens exchange to hard lenses, and with 1.6-, 2.2-, and 2.8- mm incisions. The device’s CortexMode is designed to make I/A and capsule cleaning safer and faster. Anterior vitrectomy can be precisely controlled with the device’s high-precision flow control and pneumatic Twinac cutting instrument, which, thanks to an integrated air pressure compressor, are available constantly. The CataRhex 3 also provides microinvasive glaucoma surgery technology for combined glaucoma and phaco surgery and enables optimal fragment aspiration for laser-assisted cataract surgery. Displays and tactile keys are highly visible, and all connections can be accessed from the front. The ergonomic multifunction footpedal responds to any foot movement.
Resposable Knives
Rhein Medical’s new line of reusable Resposable knives has special plastic handles that can withstand an autoclave. The blades are super-sharp and include keratomes and limited-depth and paracentesis blades. The keratomes include parallel and trapezoidal configurations and incorporate the company’s patented 3-D design, which reportedly causes the incision to contort during its creation, providing a more tortuous path for fluid egress, resulting in a self-sealing incision. The trapezoidal keratomes have a special mark exactly 2.0 mm from the distal segment to assist the surgeon in constructing incisions. Resposable blades are competitively priced and are packaged six per box.