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Digital Supplement | Sponsored by HOYA Surgical Optics

Clinical Data and Real-World Experience With Vivinex Gemetric Trifocal IOLs

In September 2023, I moderated a User Meeting at the 41st Congress of the ESCRS exploring clinical data and real-world experiences with the Vivinex Gemetric and Vivinex Gemetric Plus IOLs (HOYA Surgical Optics).

At the time of the symposium, the company had analyzed data from approximately 900 cases with the Vivinex Gemetric and Vivinex Gemetric Plus IOLs—568 of these are enrolled in clinical trials, and approximately 350 eyes from real-world cases were collected in a registry using the CLEARlog surgical logbook system (Digital Surgical Solutions Ltd. UK - https://clearlogportal.com).

The following articles review the material presented at the User Meeting and re-enforce my own personal clinical experience, which is that the impressive clinical trial results are replicated in the real-world clinical outcomes experienced in daily practice.

Erik L. Mertens, MD, FEBO, PCEO, FWCRS
  • Medical Director, Founder, and Physician CEO, Medipolis-Antwerp Private Clinic, Antwerp, Belgium
  • e.mertens@medipolis.be
  • Financial disclosure: Consultant to HOYA Surgical Optics