OEM Medical
Excimer Lasers
OEM Medical Excimer Lasers by
Coherent, Inc. (Santa Clara, California),
have been available for more than
18 years, with 7,500 units installed in the
field. Coherent's OEM lasers are equipped
with the most up-to-date and marketproven
technologies. Features include
compact high-end laser and tube technology,
repetition rates up to 1,000 Hz, and
energy stabilization. Additional beam path optimization and customization
alternatives are available to meet each integrator's individual need.
Worldwide customer support is also available.
Chu Aspirating
The Chu Aspirating Speculum (Katena
Products, Inc., Denville, New Jersey) is a
Lieberman-style speculum designed by
Y. Ralph Chu, MD, of the Chu Vision
Institute in Edina, Minnesota. According
to company literature, the instrument
combines thin, solid blades to keep the
lashes from the surgical field with aspiration
ports to remove excess fluid during
surgery. The speculum can be used
nasally or temporally, even in deep-set
eyes, as the shanks are precisely angled
and the aspiration ports are aligned centrally on each blade. The speculum
is designed with extra-long tubing to allow it to be connected
directly to either the wall or a remote suction device.