1.What tips do you have for anterior
segment surgeons who also
practice retinal surgery?
Cataract is an inevitable consequence
of vitrectomy in a phakic eye. In the older
age group, a cataract typically begins to
develop within 1 year, particularly if gas
has also been used, as for example in the treatment of macular
hole. Many retinal surgeons are uncomfortable carrying
out anterior segment surgery, as it is not their core business,
and they refer patients to an anterior segment surgeon
when the cataract develops. However, the progression of
cataract usually results in a miserable time for the patient,
with multiple changes of spectacles as the induced myopia
worsens. An advantage of being competent at both anterior
segment and retinal surgery is that combined surgery can be
considered. This is particularly appropriate if there is already
early cataract present prior to vitrectomy.
2.What are the basic retinal techniques that every
cataract surgeon should know?
It is essential that cataract surgeons are able to examine
the retina and vitreous with a handheld indirect lens at the
slit lamp. Diagnosis of a posterior vitreous detachment
(PVD) and identification of lattice degeneration are important
prior to cataract surgery. This is not because lattice
requires treatment, but so that the risk of postoperative retinal
detachment can be discussed more accurately with the
patient. Although not proven, it is theoretically the case
that, if a PVD is present, then the risk of retinal detachment
is much less. In a postoperative setting, the diagnosis of an
acute PVD and the detection of any retinal breaks are vital.
However, retinal breaks in a pseudophakic eye are often
small, anterior, and difficult to detect, so if a PVD is diagnosed
and there is uncertainty about the peripheral retina,
then referral to a retinal specialist should be considered.
Complications of cataract surgery are thankfully rare, but it is important that the cataract surgeon is comfortable with the initial management of any complications that involve the posterior capsule or vitreous. Posteriorly displaced lens fragments should not be retrieved, as this is likely to require vitrectomy. However, the anterior segment should be cleaned up as much as possible. This requires not only removal of any remaining soft lens matter, but also a careful search for and removal of any vitreous anterior to the capsule. The injection of triamcinolone is a useful technique for detection of vitreous, and the cataract surgeon should be very familiar with his or her particular set-up for anterior vitrectomy.
3. In your opinion,what were the advantages to
combining the ESCRS and Euretina meetings, and
what changes would you suggest for improvement
for possible future joint meetings with the ESCRS?
I think delegates found many advantages to the joint
meeting, not least of which was the convenience of covering
retina and cataract and refractive surgery at one location.
Twenty percent of the Euretina delegates had registered for
both meetings, indicating that this was an important factor.
There were two major joint symposia, one on endophthalmitis
and the other on myopia, and the large audience
for both of these was a testament to their significance.
These symposia focused attention on the interface between
our subspecialties. It is almost certain that we will be repeating
this style of joint meeting in the future, perhaps with
more instructional courses aimed at teaching retinal techniques
to anterior segment surgeons and vice versa.
4.What advice would you give to colleagues trying
to balance multiple professional activities,
such as teaching, publishing, and holding a board
position with an ophthalmic society?
There are only 24 hours in a day, so if you find that you
have taken on too many commitments (a common problem)
the only way to cope is to maximize your efficiency.
Modern information technology has given us the means
to do this, and a laptop computer is the single most useful
device for helping with a workload. Essential qualities
include the ability to carry a compact and searchable filing
system with you as well as the ability to do useful work
during those small intervals throughout the day (eg,
between surgical cases, waiting for flights or trains) that
are otherwise wasted. Ensure that quality does not suffer
in your efforts to juggle tasks. Finally, learn to say no.
5.What have you not yet done that you would
like to accomplish in the future?
I would like to see much better use of information
technology in ophthalmology, which, like other specialties
in medicine, is still largely paper-based. Effective
informatics would allow more efficient and safer patient
care and ease of research and study of outcomes. I am
working on a project that will help toward this goal, so
please watch this space.