A retrospective review of visual recovery following removal of the Kamra corneal inlay (AcuFocus) indicated that most patients recovered their distance and near visual acuities to preinlay levels within 6 months of explantation.1
Srividhya Vilupuru, MD, and Minoru Tomita, MD, PhD, followed 63 patients who had their inlays removed within 12 months (11.3 ±7.4 months) of the initial procedure. By 6 months after inlay removal, mean distance UCVA was 0.08 logMAR (±0.22 standard deviation [SD]), compared with 0.13 logMAR (±0.26 SD) preremoval, and mean near UCVA was 0.41 logMAR (±0.30 SD), compared with 0.33 (±0.25 SD) preremoval (=.37 and .21, respectively). Also by 6 months, distance BCVA recovered to preinlay levels in all but two patients, who each lost 1 line. Furthermore, the manifest refraction spherical equivalent was -0.18 ±0.78 D at 6 months postremoval, compared with -0.54 ±0.27 D preremoval.
Drs. Vilupuru and Tomita also reported that both UCVA and BCVA had recovered within 1 month and stabilized within 3 months of inlay removal.